Sunday 21 November 2010


Fuji Finepix S1500. Hello Christmas present!

I have wanted a camera for AGESSSS. I hate re-using pictures taken by other people, although its ok to do it sometimes, I really want to take my own pictures and make my blog a little more 'me'.
I'm also on the hunt for a polaroid instant camera- they don't seem to exist, even on ebay. Sigh. Maybe I'll go and get a disposable camera, the effect they can give pictures is sometimes pretty cool. Until then, I'll have to make do with my iPhone, for such a good phone (and the price...) you'd think they'd have put in a half decent camera. Grrr. Rant. etc...
Anyway, I was in the pub with a group of friends last night, and one of them had brought along a camera like the one above. After squeaking over it for a while, I finally got round to asking him where he got it/how much etc. £105. Not bad. After some google-ing today to recover from the hangover I discovered that Fuji have a refurbishment part to their online store. A bit like mac do. WIN. This baby above is £89.99. Get in there. I don't think the parents will begrudge that price, as new, these go for £150+. Yikes. Christmas present sorted.

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